Speaking Center successes selected for conference presentation

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Talk about excellence! A submission from Senior Lecturer Debbie Kilby Baker and two Communication Studies students has been selected for inclusion in the 2017 National Association of Communication Centers conference. The topic is “Elevator Going Up? Uplifting Lessons Learned from Redesigning the Marketing of Elevator Speech Events” and the presenters are, in addition to Ms Kilby Baker, Miranda Rouse, graduate student, and Tiera Gibson, undergraduate student.

“Promoting a newly launched speaking center is paramount to connecting the unknown center to its students,” their summary explains, noting various outreach techniques and lessons learned from 2016 to 2017. “This session will also highlight our more effective approaches in designing humorous, more inviting videos to target the intended demographics.”

The conference will be April 21 and 22 at Grand Valley State University, in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Congratulations to Ms Kilby Baker, plus Miranda, and Tiera! Their work is definitely on the “up and up”!